Working with Service Groups
编程技术  /  houtizong 发布于 3年前   76
When you use automated activities in your process, you have to assign service interfaces to the automated activities. You can include the service interfaces you use in a Service Group. You use a Service Group to configure all services included in the group when you deploy your process. Then you use the SAP NetWeaver Administrator tool to configure the Service Group.
Service Group configuration is a concept that supports lifecycle management connectivity for SAP applications. Using Service Group configuration, applications created in different frameworks, such as Web Dynpro, Visual Composer or the portal, can be configured in a single location.
In the Create New Service Group wizard, select one of the following options in the Type field:
For WSDL/WSIL: Non-classified
For Services Registry: Classified
Create Service Group DC
1. NWDI Select SC,New Development Component->Service group configuration
2. Open Project with Java or Java EE Perspective,Connectivity->New Service Group or Service Groups->New…
3. 需要注意的地方:创建SG(Service Group)的时候根据使用情况确定Type,是选择Classified还是Non-Classified。另一个特别需要的注意的事项,SG DC需要被其他DC Dependencies,直接添加Dependencies有可能出现包丢失的情况,解决方法是在需要使用SG的DC所在的SC内新建一个SG,Local的,这个SG什么都不用做,先Dependencies这个Local 的SG,只是用来导包,然后将Dependencies Remove,之前导入的其他包并不会随着Remove,最后Dependencies最终要使用的SG DC。
Service Group Include Server And Client.
Server,配置访问方式,将多个service指定一个系统提供者。Client应用Service Group。Client 和Server Connection。即系统提供者与Service Group建立连接。
1、 Server
Communication Profiles
SAP NWA-> SOA Management-> System Connections-> Communication Profiles
点击新建,配置一般,输入简况名称、描述,举例简况名称NO_AUTH_TEST,点击下一步;配置Security,Authentication Method这里选择None,即不使用用户名和密码方式访问,点击下一步;配置Messaging,Reliable Messaging默认配置,点击下一步;配置Transport Settings,Transport Binding默认配置,点击完成。
Provider Systems
SAP NWA-> SOA Management-> System Connections-> Provider Systems
点击新建,配置提供者系统,系统类型选择Java,选择系统、主机,点击下一步;配置元数据用户,输入具有服务器WSIL访问权限的用户名、密码,点击下一步;配置通讯参数文件,简况名称选择需要使用的刚才配置好的Communication Profiles,点击下一步;配置服务器搜索设置,模式选择Multiple Services,服务源选择WSIL,URL输入服务器WSIL,点击下一步;配置信息交换,默认配置,点击完成。
2、 Client
EJB Project
EJB Project Add SG Dependencies,Import WSDL,WSDL->Web Services->Create Configuration Data->Choose existing SG->Finish。
CAF Project
CAF Project Add SG Dependencies,Import->Import Web Service->Remote Location / File System->Choose existing SG->Finish。
需要注意的事项:Client Authentication Profile应与Server一致。
3、 Connection
SAP NWA-> SOA Management-> Application and Scenario Communication->Application Communication
找到 SG,为之分配提供者系统,保存,直到处理状态绿色。
查看Single Service->Consumer Proxies,Service Interface Logical Port多出一条default为配置成功!
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